Set new hires up for success with our tips on Employee Onboarding

Employee Onboarding is a vital part of any company’s hiring procedures. Hiring, training, and bringing new employees on board is a major, long term investment. Onboarding involves both discussing logistical aspects of the organization and assisting newly hired employees in their training and development. By having an effective onboarding process, employees can reach their full potential within your organization. Below are some things to consider in your employee onboarding strategy.

Understand why it is important to have a well-planned onboarding strategy

If you aren’t already convinced that good employee onboarding can impact your business, there are many studies that can speak to it. According to Glassdoor, the average U.S. employer spends $4,000 and 24 days to hire a new employee. At the very least, onboarding is a significant financial investment into your organization, so it’s important to leverage it as much as possible.

However, beyond this, strong employee onboarding can make a significant impact on your new employee’s morale and confidence, which will make them a happier employee. Happy employees are more likely to stay and find opportunities to grow. When we build loyal relationships with our employees, we create a better internal culture, and also increase retention. An additional study by Glassdoor found that organizations with a strong onboarding process can improve the retention of new hires by 82 percent.

Employee retention has a variety of benefits. It can save the company hours of time from going through the hiring process multiple times. It also encourages stronger teamwork, as it prevents increased turnover and the need to rebuild relationships from scratch. Through this, good employee onboarding lowers costs related to employee turnover, increases productivity, and produces a happier and more skilled workforce. The new hire phase is a critical time for the company, and having a structured set of procedures will make your company stronger and produce a greater chance of success.

Establish Your Onboarding Timeline

Pre-Arrival – Onboarding should begin before new employees even arrive on their first day. Having a workspace prepared for them and getting some of the initial paperwork out of the way beforehand can make the first day go smoother. Ensure that the new employee has someone who can contact via phone or email with any questions or concerns they may have about the role. This is also a good time to keep your current employees in the loop about the new hire, where they will be working and what they will be doing.

First Day – The first day for a new employee will involve lots of exchanging of information about the company and the new employee’s role. It will also involve getting acquainted with the team. The new employee will also need to get acquainted with where they are working. This can mean different things depending on the context of the role and the organization. For example, if you’re working in an office, you will want to show them around each department and discuss logistical aspects of being in a physical location (kitchen, parking, etc.). However, if you are onboarding someone who will be working remotely, you will want to take the time to get them acquainted with the software and programs they are using to do their job and communicate with others. Working out these logistical components of your job will help make new employees comfortable in the new environment they are entering. Since the first day is a crucial one for the onboarding process, we have developed a general “First Day Checklist” that can be referenced by those who are onboarding new employees:

  • Greet the employee – Ensure you welcome the employee on their arrival and show them to their workspace.
  • Introduce the employee to their social network – Introduce the employee to their teammates, particular the ones in their department.
  • Tour the facilities – Show the employee around the space the organization is at (if it is a physical workspace).
  • Have lunch – Ensure the employee is aware of when they can take a lunch break.
  • Discuss all expectations – Clarify the employee’s role and give them an opportunity to ask any questions regarding your expectations for them.
  • Schedule the first week’s training – Communicate the initial training process to your employee and how it will be structured.
  • Explain employee resources – Make your employee aware of what is available to them within the organization.
  • Instruct employee on computer and phone procedures – familiarize your employee with the computer software they will be using and your general practices for phone communication both internally and externally.
  • Conduct orientation session – facilitate any other orientation procedures to familiarize the employee with the organization.

The first day for a new employee will look different depending on the industry, the team, and the role in which they are entering. But being mindful of this checklist will ensure you are making a good effort to get your employee acquainted with their team and their role.

First Month – The first month should help the employee settle in easily. It is important not to become complacent when a new employee settles in quickly to ensure that the onboarding is a success. Continue to clarify roles and expectations and make sure they have gone thorough all their training. Ensure that the employee is aware that you are open to two-way communication with them for feedback or to answer any questions.

Consider Generation Gaps when Onboarding

When onboarding new employees, it can be helpful to consider who you will be working with and their specific needs. This can be particularly prevalent with onboarding employees in different generation gaps. Keeping this in mind when you are onboarding can ensure your employees are getting acquainted in a way that best suits their needs. For example, onboarding newer generations is a specialized type of employee onboarding. Since younger people are generally better equipped to adapt to technology, but are newer to being in the workforce, it may be helpful to encourage them to come forward with new ideas to increase efficiency and get rid of some of the red tape in your business practices. This will increase productivity and produce a happier and more skilled workforce. On the other hand, earlier generations may have more experience and confidence, and it may be best to give them some extra training on the technology used in the company if they are not familiar with it. Taking advantage of the different strengths that come from the generations your employees were born into will benefit the organization as a whole.

Providing Feedback

Taking time in the early stages of your employee’s entrance into their new role to provide them with feedback can be highly beneficial. Feedback is essential to the training process, and can be given in both formal and informal ways. Providing feedback can boost confidence and improve performance.

On the other hand, it can also be useful to ask your new employees for feedback to improve your onboarding strategy for future hires. This can tell you a lot about the first impression of your organization and its culture. This can also be done in with a formal process such as a survey, or simply an informal coffee chat. Regardless, giving and receiving feedback encourages open communication in the workplace and will improve your onboarding strategy.


Onboarding new employees is a secure investment that will assist newly hired employees in developing their skills, knowledge, and value within the company. Employee onboarding is the first impression you give your new employees on what it is like to work there and how they will be supported throughout their time there. Having a well thought out plan for onboarding your employees will ensure that your employees are able to thrive in your organization. Employee onboarding for your management and human resource members of your team will give them the tools they need to help new employees get the best possible onboarding experience. Learn more in our Employee Onboarding Workshop or consider looking into our Millennial Onboarding Workshop! These workshops have everything you need to deliver quality, professional training to your onboarding team. Get started on your corporate training with these or download a free course sample today!

Posted by Katelyn Roy on

  • Tags: business communication, Business Ethics, business ethics training, business skills, business skills training, business training, communication skills, confidence, courseware, delivering training, developing materials, Emotional Intelligence, Employee Onboarding, employee training, feedback, Generation Gaps, listening skills, management, Millennials, onboarding, Onboarding Millennials, Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Skills, soft skills, softskills, Train-the-Trainer, training, Training Materials, workplace training

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