Using Our Materials — developing materials

5 Things you are doing wrong in your corporate training

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5 Things you are doing wrong in your corporate training

If you’re a corporate trainer, you know how much hard work and preparation goes into delivering your workshops.

The last thing you want is for your hard work and efforts to go to waste because you missed a crucial step in the training process.

That’s why we gathered some of the most common things trainers get wrong, so you can stand out to your participants and provide an optimal experience.

Here are our top 5 things you are doing wrong in your training. We’ll also discuss changes you can make to avoid making those mistakes going forward.

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Setting your 2022 Goals: A Guide

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Setting your 2022 Goals: A Guide

Happy New Year from everyone at Corporate Training Materials!

This time of year is an excellent opportunity to reflect on your professional goals, and set your objectives for the upcoming year.

Have you considered the best ways to strategically set goals? This will give you more clarity on the steps you need to take to meet them.

This is our guide to effectively setting your 2022 goals.

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Email Templates to Engage Your Trainees

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Email Templates to Engage Your Trainees

With a vast clientele, effectively communicating with your trainees and prospects is crucial to keeping them engaged and in the loop regarding their corporate training. Whether it is closing prospective trainees, preparing trainees, or requesting feedback, sending clear and effective emails will allow you to accelerate your training/consulting business. Below are our email templates for promoting your corporate training and engaging your trainees.

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Icebreaker Cheat Sheet to Kick off Your Corporate Training

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Icebreaker Cheat Sheet to Kick off Your Corporate Training

How does trust and comfortability allow for more effective corporate training? Ensuring your participants feel safe and comfortable in their training workshops  allows everyone to feel empowered to express their thoughts and ask questions. This helps everyone being trained better their understanding through meaningful conversations. By creating this environment in your training workshops, you will create an enriching learning experience for all of your participants.

Looking to facilitate icebreakers in your training but don’t know where to start? We have you covered. Below is our cheat sheet for your corporate training icebreakers.

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5 Ways Adult Learning is Unique (and 7 tips to apply it to your corporate training)

Posted by Katelyn Roy on

5 Ways Adult Learning is Unique (and 7 tips to apply it to your corporate training)

It can be easy to assume that the way individuals take in information is fairly consistent. However, have you ever considered how the dynamics of learning change as we age? Consider the strategies used to teach early elementary students, versus someone in high school. How is the classroom laid out? How is information delivered? What are the expectations of the students to help them learn?

Learn more about adult learning and empower yourself to deliver your training accordingly with our guide to adult learning theory.

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