Fully Customizable Training Materials
Spend less time creating content and more time delivering proven, professional training sessions.

Workplace Learning Tools
Each training package comes with everything you need to teach each one-day workshop:
📓 Training Manuals & Instructor Guide
📑 Quick Reference / Job Aids
💻 PowerPoint Slides
📣 Icebreakers & Activities
✅ Pre-/Post-Assessments
📄 Promotional Advertorials
Also available: training video clips, self-publishing books, blended learning & Learning Management System
Why choose Corporate Training Materials?
With our training courseware you can:
✔️ Customize the content to make the training more relevant to your audience (i.e. using examples and case studies from within your organization or city).
✔️ Print as many copies as you need.
✔️ Have unlimited users within your organization.
✔️ Add your name and logo (and remove ours).
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