Using Our Materials — Train-the-Trainer
How to Determine Your Training Needs: A Complete Guide
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Have you even felt like you could see the potential of providing corporate training, but didn’t quite know where to start?
One of the first steps of providing corporate training is deciding what training topic you want to cover.
This is a mindful process that requires time and attention to get right.
Here is our detailed guide to conducting a needs analysis to determine what kind of training workshop you should conduct.
Corporate Training Dos and Don’ts: A Complete List (2021)
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Let’s face it: training can be very challenging, and even stressful sometimes.
However, it is extremely rewarding being able to help people understand new concepts, ideas, and policies that will help them succeed in their career.
Are you looking to make your corporate training workshops even better?
Check out our Dos and Don’ts for putting on a corporate training workshop.
Your Quick Guide to Workplace Bullying
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Training on preventing bullying in the workplace is crucial in creating a workplace that is inclusive and safe for all. Your company has a responsibility to prevent bullying and its impact. But what is bullying in the workplace and its different types? Why do people bully in the workplace? And what do you do if you or someone in your workplace is being bullied?
We answer these questions and more in our Quick Guide to Workplace Bullying.
Running Your First Training Workshop? Ease your nerves with our tips and tricks
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Regardless of your situation, we all get a little nervous time to time when it comes to presenting information to others. As a trainer, being the “expert” in the room can be intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are our tips and tricks for easing your nerves when running your training sessions.
Your Jargon Guide to the Corporate Training Industry
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Corporate training is an ever-changing industry that is consistently evolving over time through changing circumstances and increases in technology. With that comes many terms and phrases to describe innovations and the latest trends. As global leaders in this industry, we at CTM have put together a glossary that defines some of the most common terms we use every day in hopes that you can better understand corporate training and its many nuances. We consulted CTM Sales Representatives Hailey Conley and Seth Rozee for the most relevant and commonly used industry lingo. Here is our Jargon Guide: Corporate Training Edition.