Using Our Materials — Social Skills
Get Your Participants Excited for Corporate Training with Our Tips
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Corporate training is typically considered a fact of working for an organization. It is fairly easy to justify the importance of soft skills training, as it is an actionable way to help your employees grow and meet organizational goals effectively.
But how to we get people excited for something that can sometimes be generalized as mundane like corporate training? It is possible, and being strategic with the marketing and promotion of your training workshops can make a huge impact on the success of your training workshops or training consultations as a whole.
Here are our tips on how to get your participants excited for corporate training.
7 Myths About White Label Training Materials (Debunked)
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

What if you could complete a task the most optimal way without having to spend countless hours researching, analyzing, and implementing it?
There is actually an entire business solution that allows your customers to benefit from this. It is called White Labeling. White labeling can be done for virtually any product, from services to software to grocery items to – of course - training materials.
What do we mean when we say white label? A white label or private label product is something that is sold to another company or organization to be rebranded and distributed as their own. This is exactly what our training materials allow you to do.
Buying white label has many benefits, but tend to sometimes be misunderstood. Today we are sharing some of the top myths about buying white label training materials – and debunking them.Understand Your Training Needs with Our Customer Profiles
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

With our expansive (and ever-growing) collection of courseware, there is training content that anyone can benefit from providing or receiving no matter what industry or organization type. At Corporate Training Materials, we strive to understand our different types of customers and how we can fulfil their needs to meet their organizational goals. In this week’s blog post, we reveal our customer profiles to show how flexible and multifaceted our training materials can be.
Learn how our training materials can benefit your specific needs with our customer profiles below.
9 Tips for Making Your Training Workshops Fun for Increased Retention and Engagement
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Corporate training is a part of many employee’s careers. As a trainer, standing in front of a group of learners to train them may be intimidating. However, ensuring that you are delivering effective training workshops is crucial to promoting change and improvements in an organization. Finding ways to connect with your trainees and increase their engagement can help you deliver interactive workshops. Making your training fun can make the content you are teaching more memorable, making your sessions worthwhile to you and your learners. 1. Know Your Audience What does “know your audience” mean in the context of delivering a...
Nail Your Next Presentation with Our Top Ten Public Speaking Tips and Tricks
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Does the idea of public speaking make your skin crawl and your heart race? If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.
Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, affects approximately 75 percent of adults. The statistic is staggering when you consider how many jobs require public speaking skills, whether it’s to pitch a new idea, interact with the media/stakeholders, or even running an internal meeting.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. With a little preparation, the ability to deliver a great presentation can be game changing for your professional development and organization as a whole.
Effectively deliver your key messages and even influence behavior with our public speaking tips and tricks.