Specialize Your Services

Are you right or left-handed?

If you are left-handed, perhaps you have tried looking for products online that are designed with your dexterity in mind. Lefty’s is a store that sells products exclusively designed for left-handed folks, such as kitchen, office, and school supplies.

Overall, it isn’t marketed to right-handed folks, which means a very large population of people are not going to be their customers, but it’s okay because they are dominating the market they do have - left-handed folks who want everyday products designed for them.

Why do I bring this up?

Because this is a successful example of finding a niche. By having a specific target audience, you give your business the opportunity to deeply saturate one market.

It’s also like those times when you see an ad and think “it’s like this was made just for me” or “My phone must be listening to me,” because it meets your needs perfectly. Sometimes ad algorithms can predict what we want before we even know we want it.

The more specific these ads are, the more they get your attention because they are speaking to a niche market you fall into. The average person is estimated to encounter between 6,000 to 10,000 ads per day. The ones targeted to a broad market are not going to stick in your memory as much as the ones with a specific market in mind.

Have I convinced you of the power of having a niche yet?

Because all these rules can apply to finding your niche as a corporate trainer.

If so, below are our tips, ideas, and inspiration for finding your niche and quickly building a market that actually wants your services.

1. Ask yourself: “What am I good at?”

We are all good at something. Consider what training topics or focuses come the most naturally to you. Or take a look at your background. What educational paths have you pursued and excelled in? Your clients want to know and trust that you are an expert in what you are teaching them. So finding a niche where you can demonstrate your expertise will help you build a strong rapport with your clients. Consider knowledge that you have that your clients may not. Think about what they will value learning from you. Knowing and recognizing your strengths is a strength. Use it to dig deeper and build on your success.

2. Ask yourself: “What do I like?”

Just because you are good at something, doesn’t mean you enjoy doing it. Doing what we love and that we are good at is the ideal combination for a job or a training business. Consider what you like doing in your spare time, and what topics you enjoy talking about the most. It could also simply be the topics you most enjoy covering in your training. Don’t be afraid to hone in on your passions, as this will shine through in your training workshops.

3. Ask yourself: “What challenges are my clients facing?”

If you aren’t keeping a record of your current clientele, now is the time to start. It is also a good idea to keep testimonials from your clients. This keeps a track record of your successes and helps you better understand the needs of clients who are already coming to you.

Understanding your client’s obstacles and challenges can help you hone in on what services you should be focusing your marketing efforts on. It is also worth noting if you tend to draw in clients from a particular location, industry, or sector, as these are other niches you could focus on.

Going through past experiences with clients can allow you to build a customer profile that encompasses who is coming to you and how you can best serve them.

4. Ask yourself: “What’s missing?”

Consider looking not only at your own training business, but others around you. What types of training programs are missing between you and your competition? Another way to find gaps in your market is to conduct surveys with your past customers and those you have accumulated in your customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Don’t forget to look at the websites and social media of your competition to see what they are missing as well. You may be able to differentiate things you are already doing that they aren’t, and focus on it as a niche.

5. Understand marketing demand and adapt accordingly

It’s okay to have more than one niche or some variation of your offerings within it. This can allow you to pivot depending on your demand.

Your market demand can change based on time of year, external circumstances (like a global pandemic), the stock market, etc.

For example, if your niche involves success planning, you may notice an influx of clients at the start of the new year wanting to start taking the initial steps to meet their goals. However, halfway through the year, more people may be looking to evaluate the success they have been working towards. Consider these things when planning what you want to promote.

The key is to find opportunities to leverage your niche so your market can see how it can be used in the context of current events, timing, and circumstances.

Ideas/inspiration for your corporate training niche

General soft skills can be a great, broader niche to start with. When it comes to a niche, the more specific you can get, the more you can specialize and become an expert in it. This will allow you to dominate your market niche. Some top niches to consider as a corporate trainer are:

Writing/Pitch Training: Writing is a highly transferable skill that can take years to perfect. No matter what mediums we shift to distribute key messages, good writing is the foundation of them all. If your clients have an investment pitch coming up, coaching them on writing and perfecting their pitch can be a highly worthy specialization to offer.

Here are some workshop kits we offer to get you started on providing corporate training on writing:

Time Management/Organization Training: One of the most important soft skills is time management. If you can help just about anyone sort out their schedule or optimize their productivity in their workday, then you very well may have a specialty in time management or organization that you can leverage as a niche.

Here are some workshop kits to get you started on providing time management/organization training.

Goal Setting Training: Coaching people to reach their professional goals is a rewarding – but challenging – endeavor. Marketing a goal-setting niche will attract clients who are keen on meeting well-thought-out objectives. If you have the secret formula for this and love to watch people find success, then this is an excellent and highly marketable niche to consider.

Here are some workshop kits to get started on providing goal-setting training:

Workplace Stress/Anxiety Management: Are your clients coming to you feeling stressed out? Have you gathered tools and strategies to help them manage this? We all get stressed sometimes, and your clients will highly value you if your niche is focused on stress/anxiety management in the workplace.

Here are some workshop kits we offer to get you started on providing corporate training on workplace stress/anxiety:

Sales/Customer Service Training: If you have experience in sales/customer service, you are already ahead of the game for training others on it. Companies are always looking to increase their revenue and push their sales team’s limits on what is possible. They want to prioritize having the most up-to-date training for their sales/customer service team. With this niche, you’re sure to never run out of clients.

Here are some workshop kits we offer to get you started on providing corporate training on sales/customer service:


Have you established a niche in your training business? Are you planning to after you read this blog post? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Posted by Katelyn Roy on

  • Tags: business coach training, business skills training, business training, corporate training, courseware, delivering training, email marketing, employee training, in-person training, Instructor-led training, marketing, Rebranding, Sales Training, Soft Skills Training, Successful Training, Train, trainer, training, Training Business, Training Industry, Training Materials, training needs, training trends, workplace training

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    • Point at home good ideas

      Jackson arthur mombo on

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