Using Our Materials — Successful Training

How to Set Your Workshop Training Objectives

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How to Set Your Workshop Training Objectives

How do you even set training objectives? It’s not as intimidating as it sounds, and saves you so much time in the long run. With a little bit of research, thought, and preparation, you can ensure that you are always putting on impactful training workshops that bring tangible improvements to your trainees and their organizations.

Here are our tips for setting your workshop training objectives.

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Outsourced your training materials? Here is what you need to know.

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Outsourced your training materials? Here is what you need to know.

Do you ever wish that there were more than 24 hours in a day? That if you just had a little bit more time, you could get everything done?

There are many different ways to achieve this, and as a trainer, it is important to find opportunities to work smarter, not harder so you have enough time to get it all done.

One of these is to outsource your training materials. By getting pre-written content, you can save hours of time.

Here is what you need to know when getting started using our training materials.

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Microlearning: How small training can have a big impact on retention

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Microlearning: How small training can have a big impact on retention

Just because microlearning is delivered in small time frames, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a big impact. Microlearning has been proven to increase focus and retention by 80%. By presenting trainees with small amounts of content at a time, they won’t feel too overwhelmed with information overload, which will help them remember more. With a shorter period of time needed to take in the content, it is easier for trainees to stay motivated from start to finish.

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Finding Your Niche as a Corporate Trainer

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Finding Your Niche as a Corporate Trainer

Here are our tips, ideas, and inspiration for finding your niche and quickly building a market that actually wants your services.

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Your Quick Guide to Time Management in the Workplace

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Your Quick Guide to Time Management in the Workplace

Good time management gives us improved quality of work, better confidence, reduced stress, and increases the possibility of advancing our career prospects.

Here is our quick guide on Time Management in the workplace.

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