Tips for Meeting your 2021 Organizational Goals

As 2020 comes to an end, it can be a time of reflection both professionally and personally. Taking the time to think about what was achieved and what can be worked on going forward can set you up for a more successful new year. There’s no doubt 2020 was an exceptional year that many businesses had to adjust and be resilient to. This creates many small wins, but also, many learning opportunities. Below are some common improvements you may want to work on in the new year, and some ways you can go about achieving them for a more successful 2021.


“I want to boost my productivity.”

We all wish we had more time. Boosting productivity in the workplace is a great goal to have because it will inherently help you meet other goals through developing stronger time management skills. This can mean different things for different employees. Some of the top tips of boosting productivity include:

Taking breaks: This may seem counterproductive, but taking regular breaks can help you refresh and refocus, making you more productive in the long run. Studies have shown that employees are more likely to feel refreshed and ready to work, yet many don’t feel encouraged to take a lunch break. Taking even 15 minutes to step away from your work can allow you to come back to it feeling recharged.

Commit to one task at a time: Research has shown that committing to a single task at a time is more productive than trying to multitask. Since our brain is only able to focus on one thing at a time, multitasking can cause poor performance on all your tasks, rather than strong performance on one task at a time.

Automating or outsourcing tasks: Finding ways to work smarter, not harder can allow you to make smart investments for your organization. Using materials you already have access to can save hours of time. Our training materials provide a baseline for workshop training content so all you need to do is revise, rather than create from scratch. Finding these opportunities will allow you to increase the time you have in the run of a day that can be put towards tasks that cannot be automated.


“I want my team to improve their soft skills.”

 Employees with strong soft skills can have a major influence on your workplace culture and how organizational goals are met. It can be easy to assume that soft skills cannot be taught, but the opposite is true. Soft skills training can be highly beneficial to your organization, and can help you meet your goals directly and indirectly. In a 2013 study by Google, they were able to conclude that of the eight most important qualities of Google’s top employees, the top seven were soft skills including being a good coach, communicating and listening well, possessing insights into others, having empathy toward and being supportive of one’s colleagues, being a good critical thinker and problem solver, and being able to make connections across complex ideas. The only technical quality – having experience in STEM – came in last place. Employers are having an increasing need for strong soft skills in their employees. Our Soft Skills Library has over 130 courses on all of the most crucial soft skills your team should have. This allows you to provide employees with quality training that fits with your goals and contributes to both their personal and professional development.


“I want to implement more programs using technology.”

Online communication is more important now than ever before. Remote work has been becoming more and more common over the past few years, and is even more prevalent since the beginning of 2020.  A recent survey concluded that 80% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely at least part of the time after the pandemic, while 47% will allow employees to work from home full-time. Increasing your use in technology at your organization can help you meet your goals in a way that suits all your employee’s needs. Implementing user friendly programs that can easily accessed by your employees will increase their motivation to learn and complete them. Despite the increase in remote working, employees still need to receive adequate training. Fortunately, we have everything you need to provide professional, quality training online with our various options for online training. Our cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) is ready to go with our entire line-up of self-paced online courses and is completely customizable. It allows you to quickly add learners, track progress, and create detailed reports in minutes. You can also do online training with our eLearning Library, an entire library of self-paced online learning versions of all of our training programs. 


“I want to set SMART Goals”

 It is important to take the time to fully layout your organizational goals in a way that sets you up to successfully achieve them. Setting SMART Goals can ensure that you are setting goals that truly reflect what you want to accomplish. SMART Goals generally must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.


Many goals aren’t brought to fruition simply because they were too vague or general. SMART Goals give you a stronger sense of direction to help keep you organized and work toward goals effectively.



 As we all come up with our own new year’s resolutions, organizations are no exception. Learn more about how you can use our training materials to benefit your organization in 2021 and get started with a free course today!


Posted by Zachary Myers on

  • Tags: business coach training, business coaching, business communication, business skills, business skills training, business training, courseware, delivering training, developing materials, employee training, feedback, goal setting, Outsourcing, SMART Goals, soft skills, softskills, Successful Training, technology, training, Training Materials, vILT, virtual training, Work From Home, Work Smart, workplace training

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