Adapting To Virtual Training

Now more than ever, companies need to adapt how they train their employees.

A 2020 study from Stanford found that since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, up to 42 percent of the U.S. labor force is now working from home full-time. This has a significant impact on the way companies train their employees. Fortunately, today’s technology allows us to use software such as Zoom to lead instructional training virtually.

vILT: The Benefits

Virtual instructor led training (vILT) can benefit your organization in various ways. It provides options for communication such as chat boxes, audio, and video to communicate. It also promotes safety and cost effectiveness by allowing employees to be trained from anywhere. While vILT can be beneficial, it is important to note the ways we must adapt to provide effective training online. There are several strategies to keep in mind when making the switch to vILT.

Preparation: The Key to Successful vILT

The best way to ensure your vILT runs smoothly is proper preparation. This can be done by scheduling Zoom meetings for the desired date/time and copying invitation details to students via email. Develop an agenda to provide to trainees at the start of the session to give a clear idea of how the session will progress. Instructors can anticipate possible technical issues by arriving to their Zoom session early to ensure proper connection. Review how to share your screen based on the types of slides you are using, whether it is PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc. Consider providing slides to trainees in advance for their review via email. It can also be helpful to record sessions so trainees have the opportunity to go back and re-watch sessions to better their understanding.

Engaging your Audience

Maintaining engagement in vILT is crucial to effective learning. Zoom has various features that help spark engagement. For example, breakout rooms allow trainees to be separated into smaller groups to further discuss topics and better their understanding. Screen sharing allows the instructor to show presentation slides or an agenda to provide clarity on the topics being covered. A virtual whiteboard can also be screen shared for brainstorming sessions, promoting collaboration. Instructors can also incorporate polls that trainees can interact with to encourage further discussion.

Post Training

When your training session has ended, it can be helpful to provide an opportunity for trainees to discuss any questions they may have about what they learned. Emailing a feedback survey after the training can help improve future training sessions. Also, ensure you send the trainees a link to the recorded session.

How Can I Put This Into Action?

Need materials to train online? Download a free sample of our training course kits and see if our white label training materials help jumpstart your virtual instructor led training business!


Virtual instructor led training can be an effective tool for training employees when in-person training is not possible. By taking the time to be prepared and utilizing features on Zoom to promote discussion and engagement, companies can provide effective training for their employees to continue to meet organizational goals. 

Posted by Zachary Myers on

  • Tags: ENGAGING YOUR AUDIENCE, Successful Training, technology, training, Training Materials, vILT, virtual training, Work From Home

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