
Effective training is crucial to employee retention and meeting organizational goals. Train-the-Trainer programs prepare employees to provide instructional learning for others in the organization. This model has many benefits. It is cost-effective to train internally, and there is typically better trust and rapport when teaching is done between colleagues. Trainers must be equipped with not only the knowledge of their industry but also a range of soft skills to deliver compelling, engaging workshops. Below are some crucial skills to make sure are included in your train-the-trainer program.


Conducting a Needs Analysis

A needs analysis is the process of identifying and evaluating the specific needs of employees. Trainers should be taught how to conduct a needs analysis in their train-the-trainer programs so they can determine how to cater their workshop to their participants. By determining the desired outcomes of the training and finding gaps in the trainee's knowledge, trainers can determine the best solutions and implement that into their workshops.



Facilitating means ensuring that everything runs smoothly and effectively. Having the ability to present training material with strong momentum requires extensive preparation and organizational skills. Ensuring your participants get the most out of their training means being able to create an inclusive environment and asking the right questions, leading to productive discussions and better learner outcomes.


Communication Skills

Strong communication skills ensure that trainees can encode what they are being told. It also means that they can have their questions and comments clearly interpreted to better their understanding. While talking is a major part of communication, active listening is also vital to practice as a trainer. This means truly understanding what’s being said and the message behind it. This requires careful listening and repeating back what was said in your own words. This builds trust and respect with trainees and ensures you are clear on the feedback they are providing.



The Train-the-Trainer model can be useful in preparing trainers to deliver workshops that will motivate and build confidence in their participants. Beyond being prepared with accurate organizational content, trainers need to have a range of soft skills to deliver high-quality training sessions. Developing an understanding of your trainee's needs and having strong communication and facilitation skills is equally important to your industry-based training content.

All of these skills and more are covered in our Train-the-Trainer workshop. Empower your trainers to deliver engaging and compelling workshops with our training content. Get started with a free course today!

Posted by Zachary Myers on

  • Tags: business coach training, business coaching, business communication, Business Ethics, business ethics training, business skills, business skills training, business training, courseware, developing materials, employee training, soft skills, softskills, Successful Training, Train-the-Trainer, training, Training Materials

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