Using Our Materials
How to Put On a Worthwhile Meeting
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

When meetings are properly planned, they can incite a productive, enthusiastic team. Meetings give opportunities for workplace discussions, to solve problems, develop ideas or provide direction.
But to make meetings count, you need to have a proper strategic approach. By being mindful of when and how you put on meetings, you will avoid time wasted.
Here are our top tips for putting on a truly worthwhile meeting and avoiding wasting time for you and your team.
Your Quick Guide to Creative Problem Solving
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Creative problem solving helps us look to challenges with an open mind and consider different perspectives. The creative problem-solving process is just that – a process. But by working through it you can optimize your decision-making skills and come to conclusions you may not have otherwise.
Check out this blog post where we discuss the creative problem-solving process, and how it can help you make tricky decisions in your organization.
Your Guide to Motivating Trainees From Different Generations
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

We all need a little motivation from time to time.
Everyone is different, but one way to gauge how to motivate is by examining generations.
Here are some ideas for how to motivate trainees from different generational backgrounds.
The Metaverse - What it means for the future of work - and training.
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Training gamification ideas with Zoom compatibility
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Learning information in a fun and competitive way can make you retain information without even realizing you’re doing it.
This is called gamification; when game mechanics are integrated into environments that traditionally don’t involve games.
Below are our top tools for gamification via Zoom for your virtual instructor-led training.