Using Our Materials — Learning Styles

Corporate Training: Expectations Vs. Reality

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Corporate Training: Expectations Vs. Reality

Whether you’re a seasoned trainer or just trying to get started on your training business, this industry is full of unique and exciting challenges.

Being a good corporate trainer requires confidence, tenacity, and flexibility. And it is crucial to be prepared for unexpected obstacles, as it is simply the reality of putting on a corporate training session.

Here are some expectations versus reality you should know going into your corporate training.

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5 Ways Adult Learning is Unique (and 7 tips to apply it to your corporate training)

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5 Ways Adult Learning is Unique (and 7 tips to apply it to your corporate training)

It can be easy to assume that the way individuals take in information is fairly consistent. However, have you ever considered how the dynamics of learning change as we age? Consider the strategies used to teach early elementary students, versus someone in high school. How is the classroom laid out? How is information delivered? What are the expectations of the students to help them learn?

Learn more about adult learning and empower yourself to deliver your training accordingly with our guide to adult learning theory.

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7 Myths About White Label Training Materials (Debunked)

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7 Myths About White Label Training Materials (Debunked)

What if you could complete a task the most optimal way without having to spend countless hours researching, analyzing, and implementing it?

There is actually an entire business solution that allows your customers to benefit from this. It is called White Labeling. White labeling can be done for virtually any product, from services to software to grocery items to – of course - training materials.

What do we mean when we say white label? A white label or private label product is something that is sold to another company or organization to be rebranded and distributed as their own. This is exactly what our training materials allow you to do.

 Buying white label has many benefits, but tend to sometimes be misunderstood. Today we are sharing some of the top myths about buying white label training materials – and debunking them.

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Celebrating World Book Day: Boost Your Soft Skills Training with Reading

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Celebrating World Book Day: Boost Your Soft Skills Training with Reading

Happy World Book Day! Every year on April 23rd, we celebrate the joys and benefits of reading since the beginning of human communication. Books play a major role in how we connect with others and learn. At CTM, we believe that reading from a young age can translate to adults that are well equipped to enter the workforce. Reading is beneficial to not only children and their development, but also adult and corporate learning. In this week's blog post we discuss the benefits of reading and how various reading formats can be incorporated into your corporate training.

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Top 7 Reasons to Implement Blended Learning for a Balanced and Effective Training Solution

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Top 7 Reasons to Implement Blended Learning for a Balanced and Effective Training Solution

Blended learning is training that combines traditional face-to-face instruction and electronic learning. Now is a more ideal time than ever to implement blended learning into your training programs. Below are our top ten benefits of blended corporate learning.

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