Using Our Materials — Needs Analysis

When It’s Time to Implement Corporate Training: A Guide

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When It’s Time to Implement Corporate Training: A Guide

As a corporate trainer or human resource professional, it is important that you know when it may be time to provide corporate training in your organization.

But how do we become proactive in anticipating the need for corporate training? It is a never-ending job, but our tips will ensure you can stay accountable for providing relevant training to help your team meet organizational goals.

Here is our guide on identifying organizational challenges anticipating the need for training.

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How to Determine Your Training Needs: A Complete Guide

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How to Determine Your Training Needs: A Complete Guide

Have you even felt like you could see the potential of providing corporate training, but didn’t quite know where to start?

One of the first steps of providing corporate training is deciding what training topic you want to cover.

This is a mindful process that requires time and attention to get right.

Here is our detailed guide to conducting a needs analysis to determine what kind of training workshop you should conduct.

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9 Tips for Making Your Training Workshops Fun for Increased Retention and Engagement

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9 Tips for Making Your Training Workshops Fun for Increased Retention and Engagement

Corporate training is a part of many employee’s careers. As a trainer, standing in front of a group of learners to train them may be intimidating. However, ensuring that you are delivering effective training workshops is crucial to promoting change and improvements in an organization. Finding ways to connect with your trainees and increase their engagement can help you deliver interactive workshops. Making your training fun can make the content you are teaching more memorable, making your sessions worthwhile to you and your learners. 1. Know Your Audience What does “know your audience” mean in the context of delivering a...

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