Using Our Materials — critical thinking
Improving Critical Thinking Skills: A Guide
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

With practice, as well as powerful changes to your cognition, you can improve your ability to analyze information and ultimately make the best decisions for your life. Here is our Quick Guide to improving your critical thinking skills.
How to Put On a Worthwhile Meeting
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

When meetings are properly planned, they can incite a productive, enthusiastic team. Meetings give opportunities for workplace discussions, to solve problems, develop ideas or provide direction.
But to make meetings count, you need to have a proper strategic approach. By being mindful of when and how you put on meetings, you will avoid time wasted.
Here are our top tips for putting on a truly worthwhile meeting and avoiding wasting time for you and your team.
Dogs of CTM
Posted by Katelyn Roy on

Here at Corporate Training Materials, we love spending the holidays with our loved ones. This (of course) includes all of our furry friends.
We are very lucky to have many of our staff members’ dogs pay visits to our office. And we thought you might like to meet them too.
This week’s blog post features the Dogs of CTM.